Management Information Systems Group

We are an informal research group at the University of Economics, Prague that focuses on research in the Information Systems field.

For inquiries for professional services, industry research, and academic research co-operation please contact:

Ing. Michal Sebesta, Ph.D.


Michal Sebesta
Tomas Bruckner
Ilja Holub

Affiliated student members

Jan Burianek, Lukas Cervenka, Jan Havlicek, Ivan Jelinek, Jan Levy, Vojtech Rydl, Robert Skramlik.

Recent publications

  • Bruckner, Tomas, et al. (2014). Consistency Issues in Large Business Process Model Environment, a Case Study. In Perspectives in Business Informatics Research. Springer, Switzerland.
  • Sebesta, Michal. (2013). On ICT Services Outsourcing in the Context of Small and Medium Enterprises. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 81, 495–509. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.06.467
  • Sebesta, Michal, & Vorisek, Jiri. (2013). Service-Based IT Management Model with Emphasis on Existing Outsourcing Areas. In W. E. Wong & T. Ma (Eds.), Emerging Technologies for Information Systems, Computing, and Management (pp. 1199–1212). Springer New York.